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Solutions for Surveillance. Creating Peace of Mind.


Our systems are reliable, and built with quality materials that will last, and with a satisfaction guarantee.


Our 1+ service options maintain a customer relationship, and ensure your system is well maintained and healthy.


We are about preventing theft, not being the source of it. We vow to find the best and most economic solution for your business

Try our

Intuitive Software

Subscription free, user friendly software for desktop, mobile (iOS & Android), and web allowing you to be remotely present at your business from anywhere in the world.

With motion, person, vehicle, and pet instance detection and sorting, save yourself hours of time and headaches.

Special access controls allow for multiple unique users and permissions to camera settings.

No cookie cutter answers

Personalized Solutions

We love cookies! But there are no cookie-cutter solutions.

We will find the unique solution that works best for you, and keeps your business protected, and your workers feeling safe.

We program your system to work for you and your unique business practices. We also provide in-person training so you can know how to use the system to the fullest.

Architecture Mapping

We will find the best and least destructive route whether it is new construction or mixed arcitecture from 70+ years ago.

In-Person Training

A system is only as good as it is used, and we offer a full training seminar at the completion of the installation for anyone wanting to learn how best to use their system. Additional training on updates available. 

Reliable Warranty

Our systems are backed with a limited 90 day warranty on parts, cameras and labor. Warranty extends to 2 years on cameras. See System1+ for labor warranties.

Service Options

System1+ is our labor warranty program that ensures priority of your system maintenance and makes repairs and upgrades easy.

Tier 1


Dozens of POE cameras, for any situation all equipped with ultra high resolution sensors (4K), IR night vision, detection software, IP67 water and weather resistance for outdoor use, audio alarm, and configurable notification and alert settings for mobile and FTP.

Frequently Asked Questions

I have an issue with my system, what do I do?

Call us! You’ll have our number and we want to help.

In the event of a technical issue, email [email protected]. Our service team will first assist remotely and over the phone to clarify or remedy an issue. If a solution cannot be found, a technician will be sent out to investigate the issue and assess if the issue can be fixed, and in the event of a hardware issue, determine if the fix is covered under warranty. 

In the event of a warranty covered damage repair or replacement, the technician will come prepared to replace the damaged part. If the part is not in stock, an order will be made for the replacement.

I have a system already. Can you build off of that and save some money?

We’ll certainly try.

We are not a fan of triangluar wheels so if we can avoid re-inventing one that’s already round we will. We will assess your needs and the existing system during the consultation and determine how much if any of the old system is worth salvaging or using as a plan for the new system.

Do I need to any upkeep/maintenance?

Healthy maintenance practices include infrequent power-cycles which are automated by the system, and annual checkups to ensure the storage drives are working and writing properly. Our technicians will ensure the automation is working and we include a 6 moth and 1 year checkup with every system. 

The only upkeep you’ll contend with are spiderwebs. Spiders like bugs. Bugs like infrared lights. Spiders know this, and will often build webs on or around the cameras to catch dinner and block the view. Freeloaders. It’s unlikely the spiders are in league with criminals, but we won’t rule that out. 

System1+ is our premium service that includes free labor on repairs, upkeep, and upgrades. 

Do I need any existing infrastructure/tech for an install?


Well, electricity. If you would like to access your sytem remotely, a high speed internet connection is optimal (for mobile and remote access). Our preference is to have a dedicated circuit mapped to the space where your network modem lives. We have licensed electricians who can configure a dedicated circuit for the system, and we’ll do the rest.

Can this get hacked easily?

Not really. It depends what you mean by ‘hack’. 

We constantly monitor the security landscape for new threats and potential risks, and improve our system accordingly using proven technologies. For authorized access to systems that contain sensitive customer information, we follow principles of least privilege (PoLP). We encourage our customers to keep data like usernames and passwords unique and difficult to guess to prevent ‘soft hacking’ which can be achieved by anyone with charisma. The fewer who know where and what you have the better. 

For maximum data protection, your data is encrypted by AES and RSA algorithms. To protect data in transit between App/Client and  servers, our system uses HTTPS, an extension of the Hypertext Transfer Protocol, ensuring the confidentiality, integrity and authenticity of  data during transmission.

All of your data is securely stored and can only be accessed with your passcode.

What happens if my power goes out or wifi goes down?

Not much. Your camera lights will probably click on.

Our CCTV systems use CAT6 hardline power over ethernet connections to each camera, supplied by our battery backup systems.

This means that in the event of a power outage your cameras will continue to work for the duration of the battery backup life (duration can depend on the number of cameras being powered).

In the event of an network disruption, your system will record locally without interruption. Your connection through your mobile or desktop devices may experience an interruption in connectivity but rest assured so long as the system has power your cameras will stay online.  

Is it reliable or glitchy?

Reliable. How is your cell service/internet?

Our local system is extremely reliable, and our features work consistently.

Remote access adds some variables.

Our system uses a combination of cellular and network data so internet reliability is the main factor that effects the ‘glitchy’ nature of a system. In ideal connectivity settings our system boast an impressively un-glitchy remote experience.

Our technicians will do an analysis of your internet and advise you how to proceed if they feel the experience will be affected by your ISP. 

How does the warranty work?

Infrastructure equipment are backed by a 90 day money back guarantee and cameras come with a 2 year limited warranty. Warranty forfeiture includes damage as resulted from accident, dismantling, abuse, or service or modification by someone other than the appointed vendor, damaged due to improper working environment or operation, such as improper temperature, humidity, unusual physical or electrical stress or interference, failure or fluctuation of electrical power, static electricity, or damaged due to force majeure (act of God), or natural disasters.

Warranty excludes coordination with other trades including but not limited to electrical wiring, devices, testing and certification of other new or existing systems. 

We include a 6 month, and a 1 year check-up to ensure the system is still operating at full capacity and to ensure the system is still meeting your security needs.

How are labor hours calculated?


Labor hours include travel time, and diagnostics for repairs. If damage to a system is severe enough, or if a service call includes labor outside of the preview of System1+ additional charges may apply